all postcodes in CM19 / HARLOW

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM19 5AB 1 1 51.771738 0.093931
CM19 5AF 51 38 51.763886 0.074772
CM19 5AH 1 1 51.763876 0.067177
CM19 5AN 13 11 51.766929 0.066867
CM19 5AS 17 13 51.765054 0.074635
CM19 5AT 1 1 51.766506 0.064326
CM19 5AW 1 1 51.762141 0.069502
CM19 5AZ 1 1 51.771738 0.093931
CM19 5BE 6 3 51.773138 0.071614
CM19 5BG 2 0 51.771118 0.071912
CM19 5BH 5 5 51.765286 0.063184
CM19 5BJ 20 17 51.764855 0.064003
CM19 5DY 4 4 51.770756 0.065895
CM19 5BN 6 5 51.76428 0.063109
CM19 5BP 1 1 51.765581 0.063241
CM19 5BT 4 4 51.764775 0.06203
CM19 5BU 10 10 51.764799 0.061176
CM19 5BX 6 5 51.764219 0.061932
CM19 5BZ 5 4 51.768462 0.062384
CM19 5DA 17 0 51.763715 0.039852